Life Update: New stuff & other things

Hello, friends!!!  Hope your week is going super swell!!!  I hope you guys enjoyed my previous post 15 Things We Wish You Understood About Our Depression!!!  It has the second most hits out of any of my posts so far (besides Open Letter) so thank you all so much for that!  You may also notice that the blog has gotten an all new face lift!  I hope you guys like it as much as I do, but if for some reason you’re finding it more difficult to navigate or just don’t care for it, feel free to let me know… Haha!  I thought I’d stop in and give you guys a quick update on my life, personally, because things have been super crazy!

The month of October was a whirlwind of craziness for me.  I was SO incredibly busy.  I’m in the middle of redecorating my apartment and had to put that on hold for The All American Quarter Horse Congress!  It is the third biggest convention in the USA and basically like the Olympics of all horse shows.  It’s my favorite time of year!  This year went much differently than had been planned, but it turned out to be different in the very best of ways!  I can’t give away too much on one of the things I have happening quite yet, but I have a really great opportunity to learn a lot with some amazing people!  Trust me, I cannot wait to share with you.  Some other fun things that happened are the fact that exhibitors now want flashy makeup to go with the absolutely stunning horse show fashion that is just breathtaking every Congress!  I, completely unknowingly, befriended one of the newest top designers in the western show clothes business because I essentially tried to steal her dog.  Okay, not really, but I continuously pet it and talked to her for over an hour before someone came up to me and told me who she was.  It was crazy, and she was so kind. I’m glad that we had a chance to get to know each other before realizing who she was though.  I don’t do well in situations where I’m nervous, and I would have been dying.  I basically forget how to speak English and lose the ability to function as a normal human being.  In case you haven’t picked up on it yet:  Hello, my name is Kara and I am a ridiculous person.  Anyhow, I am a self taught makeup artist.  I do it for fun, and have done a few jobs here and there.  So I thought I’d BRIEFLY mention the thought of doing makeup at the Congress next year, and already booked myself 15+ clients plus an entire barn of clients from a trainer who specifically requested me.   I can’t imagine how crazy and fun it’s going to be next October!  Another highlight of the Congress was finally being able to afford the pair of spurs I’ve had my eyes on for about 3 years.  They’re made by one of, if not the most, prestige company in the horse show world, Harris.  I have a Harris work saddle, jacket, and now I feel a little more complete with my spurs.  They’re beautiful and I’ll post a picture of them below.  I also got to hold like, a lot of puppies.  There are SO MANY PUPPIES every single Congress.  And if there is anything I love the very most, it’s a puppy.  You could say that Congress 2016 was a success!


Super cute puppies ft. my sister



Now that the congress is over, I’ve had a bit more free time.  I’m still dealing with two major losses of people who were important to me, who you know, just sort of decided to peace out of my life for one reason or another.  And I won’t lie to you, it’s been a struggle.  There are good days and bad days.  But I’ve been so busy with so many fun things.  Work is going amazing, I’m enrolled in the spring to take my college courses, I’ve been spending a lot more time with my own horse, my friends have been absolute rockstars, and I’ve decided to take up a second job!  I’m going to be working a few nights a week and some weekends to save up some money for the Holiday’s and my upcoming travel adventures!!!!  The best part is I got the job at one of my favorite clothing stores and they’re paying me significantly more than my previous experience working in retail.  So, it’s a win-win situation.  Plus, I’m sure I’ll have many a “fun story” working in the retail environment for you guys, haha.  So, even though I feel like my panic and my depression have been a bit more of a struggle lately, I really feel like things are going to get better.  I’m keeping myself busy and constantly reminding myself that it’s a process.  I get really frustrated with myself when I have a “bad day”, but I’ve learned that it’s okay to have those days.  You have to have the bad days to have the good days.  I’ve been much more open with my group of friends about what I’m feeling, instead of just opening myself up to one person.  It’s made a huge difference because it’s helped me realize what a strong support system I have.  It’s also made me realize what a strong person I am too!  Life is a journey, and you have the power to make it whatever you want it to be.  So, I choose to keep my chin up.

So, that’s basically what I’ve been up too over the past few weeks.  I have some travel plans in the works and other fun things I look forward to telling you all about next time!  Remember, if you have any questions for me specifically, or anything you’d like me to go over and cover, feel free to let me know!  You can go to my “Contact Me” page on the home screen of the blog, visit one of my various social media pages, or scroll down to find the Featured Content post!  It lists my email address and also my curiouscat if you’d prefer to stay anonymous.  I’ll see you guys back here for Friday Favorites!  Have a great day, everybody!

Sending you lots of light and unicorns,

xx Kara


2 thoughts on “Life Update: New stuff & other things

  1. Enjoyed getting to know you a bit here, Kara. Love those little puppies! You seem to have a fantastic well rounded life, full of a variety. I’m going to stop in more often! Blessings.


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